Charming stone-built house in peaceful rural setting, 3 bedrooms, extensive outbuildings for development, Calvados, Normandy
€162,000 [convert]

3 109 109m2


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Key Features

Property Type: House
Number of bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Receptions: 109
Primary Energy Consumption Band: 475
France Property Shop ID: 665069
Reference: A26017BS14

Property Description

A26017BS14 - Situated in the beautiful Norman countryside, this three bedroomed stone house is in good condition, with some modernisation necessary to the bathroom access and drainage. A central heating system with radiators is in place, fuelled by a wood-burning kitchen stove. There's a courtyard and adjoining field, with many stone outbuildings ripe for development

Primary Energy Consumption (kWh/m2/year) For This Property
< 70 A
71 - 110 B
111 - 180 C
181 - 250 D
251 - 330 E
331 - 420 F
> 421 G


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* indicates required