Quirky 4 bed house, 3200m² terrain, close to a amenities, only 20Mins to Limoux, Aude, Occitanie
€175,000 [convert]

4 128 128m2


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Key Features

Property Type: House
Number of bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
Receptions: 128
Primary Energy Consumption Band: 198
France Property Shop ID: 662143
Reference: A28166VS11

Property Description

A28166VS11 - Substantial Family property in beautiful rural setting close to amenities. This is a charming property with a bridged entance set in extensive mature gardens it is great value for money offering fantastic potential as a Family home or could possibly house a small business. The living area is on the first fioor in this house which opens up to ground level through the kitchen into the garden.

Primary Energy Consumption (kWh/m2/year) For This Property
< 70 A
71 - 110 B
111 - 180 C
181 - 250 D
251 - 330 E
331 - 420 F
> 421 G


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* indicates required