615 Properties for sale in Lot-et-Garonne, Nouvelle Aquitaine (formerly Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine and Limousin), France


In the north-west of Aquitaine, Lot-et-Garonne is influenced by cultures of the old provinces that surround it – Périgord, Quercy and Gascony. Rugby and hunting are both ingrained in the way of life in this deeply rural department, which roughly equates to the former province of Agenais. Occitan culture is alive and well and the Occitan language is taught in a number of bilingual schools. Bastide villages and over 300 pigeonniers, the dovecots found in historic grand houses, punctuate the landscape.

CAPITAL: AGEN - For centuries the town of Agen passed in ownership between France and England as the two nations fought for control of Aquitaine. Today this town on the right bank of the Garonne river is a pleasing mix of ancient narrow alleyways, religious buildings and elegant 18th to 20th-century architecture.

Average property prices

Lot-et-Garonne department: €123 800

Source: Notaires de France

Access from UK

By air: Bergerac, Toulouse and Bordeaux

By train: Eurostar to Paris and TGV to Agen

By road: Agen is 950km from Calais


Average annual temperature: (Agen): 8.4°C/18.5°C

Average annual rainfall: 712.2mm

Average annual sunshine hours: 1,982.4

Buy here if you want

The quintessential south-west, laid-back country life, rugby, hunting


The department's dramatic past means there's a wealth of fortified towns and castles to explore. Lovely bastides include Monflanquin and Pujols-le-Haut, which are both Plus Beaux Villages. The castle ruins at Bonaguil are fun to explore while the Château Henri IV at Nerac traces the story of Henry de Navarre. A great number of lakes mean fishing is a popular pastime while the Garonne river is popular with pleasure craft. For outdoors types, the 80km of cycle paths along the Lot valley provide a picturesque way to see the department.

615 Properties found

Region: X
Nouvelle Aquitaine (formerly Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine and Limousin)
Department: X
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Properties found

Region: X
Nouvelle Aquitaine (formerly Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine and Limousin)
Department: X
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Local Area
Agen (4) Agnac (5) Aiguillon (2) Allemans-du-Dropt (10) Armillac (2) Baleyssagues (1) Barbaste (2) Beaugas (2) Beaupuy (1) Beauville (7) Bias (3) Blanquefort-sur-Briolance (1) Bon-Encontre (1) Bourgougnague (14) Bournel (1) Bourran (1) Brugnac (2) Buzet-sur-Baïse (3) Cahuzac (2) Cancon (5) Casseneuil (2) Casteljaloux (2) Castelmoron-sur-Lot (1) Castelnaud-de-Gratecambe (3) Castillonnès (29) Caubon-Saint-Sauveur (3) Clairac (7) Condezaygues (1) Cuzorn (5) Damazan (2) Dausse (1) Dolmayrac (1) Douzains (4) Duras (30) Engayrac (2) Escassefort (3) Espiens (1) Fauillet (1) Ferrensac (1) Fongrave (1) Francescas (1) Frespech (2) Fumel (10) Gontaud-de-Nogaret (4) Lacapelle-Biron (1) Lacépède (1) Lachapelle (2) Lafitte-sur-Lot (2) Lagruère (1) Lalandusse (3) Laparade (1) Laroque-Timbaut (5) La Sauvetat-de-Savères (1) La Sauvetat-du-Dropt (6) Laugnac (1) Laussou (2) Lauzun (62) Lédat (1) Le Temple-sur-Lot (1) Lévignac-de-Guyenne (3) Loubès-Bernac (17) Lougratte (5) Marmande (19) Meilhan-sur-Garonne (2) Mézin (2) Miramont-de-Guyenne (36) Monbahus (21) Monbalen (1) Monclar (1) Monflanquin (40) Monsempron-Libos (6) Montastruc (3) Montauriol (1) Montayral (3) Montignac-de-Lauzun (3) Montpezat (2) Montpouillan (1) Moustier (5) Nérac (5) Pardaillan (2) Parranquet (2) Penne-d'Agenais (7) Pinel-Hauterive (4) Port-Sainte-Marie (2) Prayssas (1) Pujols (2) Puymirol (1) Puysserampion (1) Roumagne (1) Saint-Antoine-de-Ficalba (1) Saint-Barthélemy-d'Agenais (10) Saint-Colomb-de-Lauzun (2) Sainte-Bazeille (1) Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot (2) Saint-Étienne-de-Villeréal (1) Saint-Eutrope-de-Born (1) Saint-Jean-de-Duras (3) Saint-Maurin (1) Saint-Pardoux-Isaac (7) Saint-Pastour (3) Saint-Pé-Saint-Simon (2) Saint-Quentin-du-Dropt (2) Saint-Sernin (2) Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot (3) Saint-Vite (2) Savignac-de-Duras (1) Savignac-sur-Leyze (1) Ségalas (1) Sérignac-Péboudou (3) Seyches (1) Sos (8) Soumensac (3) Taillebourg (1) Thouars-sur-Garonne (1) Tombeboeuf (5) Tonneins (7) Tournon-d'Agenais (5) Trémons (1) Trentels (1) Verteuil-d'Agenais (1) Vianne (2) Villeneuve-de-Duras (3) Villeneuve-sur-Lot (14) Villeréal (38)
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